
Bullies are sadists
They prey on the weak, the underdogs
They bully those without means to defend themselves or who can’t fight back
They boast how invincible they are and then bathe in their pleasure of your suffering

Supported by a paralyzed, brainwashed, mum majority
they think they are a righteous lot

They justify everything: every brutality, every aggression, every action

But they are wimps and creeps and cowards lacking any ethics or compassion
They are the antithesis of what makes men ‘men’

Bullies (want to) deny our (right to) life

Real men and boys are fair and don’t bully

Bullies glow in their sick arrogant sheen
They are humanity distorted and its worst specimen
They are worthless egos on a destructive trip pulling others into their senseless stream

Bullying bullies bully on daily

There are many of them
You know whom I mean
Bullying bullies!

Picture: Mohammed Dahman/AP


Humanities tail-light is blinking broken
...even the worst perpetrators flourish

Cocktail of Ego, Power, Greed
lit by Delusion
worked with Derision
rules over us
Love is so not selfish
and Fairness too
Can you still tell 
who is right and what is true?
 if there was Moral & Ethic 
then add them too?

So much of the worst... 
Good, - you must triumph, please!
It was thought and spoken 

Rechtfertigung – Justification

Sometimes thoughts use another language.
English translation is a few stanza's down.

Der Gräuel der Rechtfertigung
Wahnsinn und Unsinn
Unser Schweigen
 noch mehr Dunkelheit
 belastet mit Schuld

Ich bin dabei
 mit Augen nur, nicht mit Herz
Abscheuliches reißt an meiner Seele
 und doch stehe auch ich mitten drin

Ich schaue zu und baue Worte
Auf dem Grund fließt das Blut
Schreie wie damals
Die Schatten der Rache
Erbrechen von Säure und Hass
Gestern mit Messern
 und Schwertern und Gas,
 heute mit Kugeln
 und jetzt mach ich Dich tot!

Weg mit Euch allen!
Niemand ist Farbenblind
 und doch ist alles schwarz-weiß
Mein Gott sagt dies
 und meiner sagt das

Wenn Du, dann Ich auch
 wenn nicht, dann trotzdem
Vernichten, Alle und das System

Gelehrte Insassen
 reiche getrieben bei Macht,
 sie erobern uns
 wie das Vieh auf dem Weg zur Schlacht

Ich kämpfe zurück
Meine Stimme erbricht
Ein Leben, ein Wunsch,
 die Freiheit, ein Land

Ihr nehmt von mir
Aber ich habe doch nichts
Ich flehe
Besinnt Euch
Wacht auf
Meine Kugeln sind Tränen
Meine Bomben das Wort

Streck aus Deine Hand
Lass fallen die Axt
Es geht um die Menschheit
— nicht Gott, Ihr tapferen Krieger
 und nicht um den eigenen Akt


The disgrace of justification
Insanity and nonsense
Our silence
 creating even more darkness
 loaded with guilt

I am part,
 with my eyes but not my heart
Horrid forces tear my soul
 while I stand amidst the turmoil

I watch and build words
On the ground the blood flows
Screams of the past
Shadows of revenge
Vomition of acid and hate
Yesterday it was knifes and swords
 and gas,
 today it's the bullet
 and I will kill you!

Cease ye to exist!
Devils disciples!
No one is colour-blind
And yet all is black and white
My G_d says this
 and my G_d says that

If you do, then I will too
If you don’t I will still do
Annihilate all, and the system too

The learned
 and those driven by power,
 they conquer us,
 like livestock destined for the abattoir

I fight back
My voice breaks
One life, a wish,
 and a country of my own

You take from me
But what do I have?
I plead
Please rethink your actions
Wake up
My bullets are tears
My bombs are words

Reach out your hand
Let go of that axe
This is about humanity
 not the kingdom of G_d,
You are all brave soldiers,
 no need to fight
 and this is not your final Act

human robo’s

“Dozens of parents are being split from their children each day — the children labeled ‘unaccompanied minors’ and sent to government custody or foster care, the parents labeled criminals and sent to jail.

Between October 1, 2017 and May 31, 2018, at least 2,700 children have been split from their parents. 1,995 of them were separated over the last six weeks of that window — April 18 to May 31 — indicating that at present, an average of 45 children are being taken from their parents each day.”
Dara Lind dara@vox.com

(more reading at https://www.vox.com/2018/6/11/17443198/children-immigrant-families-separated-parents)

“I was told to do so,” you will say,
“by some higher command in the chain,” — usually sourced in the seed bowl of the presidency of the country.

(There is of course still a supreme, often quoted, and almighty instance above that, but the buck of this blog stops before any deity.)

It is the duty of law enforcement, military, ambassadors, etc., to act out those commands. You could be inclined to believe that you have been absolved of any human responsibility because you are following an order from higher up.

“But, we all have a responsibility!?”
— “What responsibility?”
“To respect life.”

Maybe, most importantly, those who protect us and enforce the law and those who represent us should be allowed to let their hearts speak more often, unafraid, instead of having the shadow of the oath to the leader(s) and the country paint everything in black and white.

At this point, so that we have a common standard, I think it is appropriate that everyone reading this should (re-)acquaint themselves with the 30 basic human rights as proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/index.html)

A captain of an aircraft can exercise his right and decide in the last second if he should or shouldn’t do something, and so can each one of us.
In the last and final moment, when we are naked with our conscience, we can object and refuse. We can act differently when some clown above us makes a decision that goes against everything we as humans of the liberated world stand for.

Authoritarian superiors and leaders are frightening and inhibit our decision making. Of course, we need powerful leaders but then they too must show wisdom and compassion and act in a way appropriate to their leadership role in the 21st century AD. Expansionism and suppression might be befitting of the times of the Huns and Vikings but not today.
No one should be subjected to the whims of some lunatic, megalomanic, self-centred, self-worshipping despot and his disciples, — nowhere in the world.

As we grow up and learn to do as we are told, mostly without a second thought, because we could suffer tender consequences, we think those lessons will forever stay unquestionable.

In one part of the world, punishment is dealt to a whole nation and we think it is the oppressors G_d given right to do so. (I believed Apartheid died in 1994.)
In another part, a whole population group is expelled in the ugliest inhumane way.
– We sit and watch and comment with politically correct drivel. –
Whole countries and islands are annexed. Stadiums and airports are constructed in conditions of forced labour, — etc. etc., and the painful, abusive human saga seems endless.

Those who call a spade a spade are often silenced with a shovel.

Technology moved us ahead but humanity stayed behind unable to rid itself of its ‘conquer and destroy’ attitude.

We are on a rampage of total disregard as long as it benefits us.

And, in the ‘greatest’ country of the western world, we separate children from their parents, because of some ‘higher command’ who thinks every child is the instrument of a violent, criminal, drug trafficking mind wanting to overthrow law and order in the country.
Rulers and policymakers, with their own families, would never let such atrocities happen to their own, but have no qualm inflicting such on others in a display of robotic heartlessness and total disconnectedness of the unfolding reality.

The jewel of the western world with its brilliant minds and liberated population spoiled to the brim with endless funds allows this to happen. With uncaring, punchdrunk disinterest, probably caused by the confusion of the constant fomented vociferous fulmination from the lips of those justifying their actions, nobody seems to rise above this mess and take control.

We are so removed from all these facts that unless they bother us we don’t care and keep our head in the sand.

What totally baffles me is that this country of dreams and incredible war machines is unable to find any other solution but to tear families apart and destroy everything (including international relationships). Some bully without imagination, ethics and humanitarian values rules that roost of power-hungry, greedy, dispassionate and detached puppets who have been voted into power by a totally ignorant populous unaware of the destructive danger of their actions.
Good triumphs over evil, right?

The mind boggles, the stomach heaves, the heart breaks, eyes tear and children’s voices scream while parents wail. Those in power, from the executioners to the designers of this nightmare have become an artificial intelligence infected by a sick virus programmed by aliens from a frozen planet.

“Change, change, change.”

I do not promote insubordination but I do call upon the definition(Wikipedia):

Insubordination is the act of willfully disobeying an order of one’s superior. Refusing to perform an action that is unethical or illegal is not insubordination; neither is refusing to perform an action that is not within the scope of authority of the person issuing the order.

Is it not true that: No man can separate what G_d has brought together?

Let us not become robots but remain humans with compassion and respect for each other.

Anybody, everyone…

Defrost, an appeal to humanity to finally take action in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

I live on a strip
It is now bombed to bits
Sum of my life is nix

Japan times - Young manCredit: Japan Times

Missile testing ground
Torture chamber human hell
Where will our children play?

Getty - Playing.jpgCredit: Getty

We can talk and we can hear
Killing is no option here
Respect for life, my plea

Reuter - TankCredit: Reuter

Armageddon made by us
Hell for all to see
Please, no longer silent be!

Indymedia Ireland - ArmageddonCredit: Indymedia Ireland

Ice of hearts
A joker sniper
Jack is shot

CBC.ca - old man shot.jpgCredit: CBC.ca

What is future?
I know hell
Is there something else?

Barcroft Media - Humans Credit: Barcroft Media