Maybe just do

Maybe it’s not about crazily dreaming and over-revving our vivid imagination, giving in to overwhelming passion, following the gut and the heart in galloping frency, — because we all dream and imagine and have passion and gut feelings and heart cravings and go overboard.

Maybe, in the first instance, it is about dealing with and getting through what has been put in front of us, — without too much fuzz and too many objections and complaints, — getting it done.

Maybe, rather than running or quitting, it is about facing and managing the situation we are in, which, in many cases isn’t even of our own doing. We had no say about the circumstances we were born into, and I don’t for the sake of brevity want to get into a discussion here that we possibly did have a choice. If we did would we be here? Case closed for now.

We are confronted, bombarded, exposed, to a reality that is fact and tangible. Here we are and here it is. Blaming anybody or anything else for it, keeps us stuck in the mud. Expecting a special handout because of x, y or z or a silver spoon feeding us, is like sitting my butt on top of glue. I will be going nowhere.

For many of us it is a royal f…up and for even more, it is unimaginable hardship.

Solace cannot be found in anything else but our own doing! Hear ye!

No big black books or decorated buildings or revered figures change anything in our lives. They provide a moral view or guideline.

Change only happens when we deal with the coalface of reality head-on. That is the horror of the moment, of the day, of our life. It’s the ice-cold truth or simply the frequency of life that we must accept and ride.
Argue against it, resist, deny, it still remains an immutable truth despite our rebellion. It is like gravity, but this time it is the gravity of life, inescapable like any gravity is.

Unfortunately for those of us who have created a view of the world so removed from this reality, so beautified and perfected and sublime, we are the ones in collision with reality every time.
Yeah. Bang. Crash. Ouch.

Sometimes asking questions is the most stupid thing to do. Too many questions have no (plausible) answers. I can’t believe myself saying such. The balance of answers to questions is not achievable in our life-time, — face it or forever suffer. A sure way of going in circles or staying stuck is to ask too many questions.

Halt that process of questioning, instead just do.

For a moment or two just do something about that which is in front of you and about that which you can do something about.

Having a master plan for life is a wonderful idea. Remembering, or understanding that life is a living thing and not a ‘rigid’ project on paper is important, because the scope changes or adjusts, — often.

I remain in the firm belief that this Life inside us knows what is best for us and that our circumstances can be different to what they are now. I also know that our mind and ego are not always our biggest assets but hardcore, MMA-UFC* foes we have to do battle with.

Maybe we should ask more often and then listen intently:

”Life, what do you suggest right now?”

* MMA = Mixed Martial Arts the sport
* UFC = Ultimate Fighting Championship the organization.

Echoing passage to the future

I lay out there drifting weightlessly
 somewhere in empty space
 surrounded by the darkness of the universe
Floating on nothing
Lost in nothing
I and my thoughts

Unimaginably alone, — solely
Unsad, content, clueless

Too distant even to the nearest star
Immersed in timelessness
About 1:53 am in the feel

The past an ashen memory
No smoldering feelings

I see my future
 winding through an echoing passage
 tiled with absorbing pictures turned into movies
They distract consistently
I am confronted with a view at the end 
A lookout point into future space,
 unlike anything I could ever conceive
Visible is an indeterminately gigantic, 
 colorful, spoked wheel of dimensions

At the hub,
 where all dimensions meet:
 the bright center of fertility
The source of anything,
 known also as nothing
Close together here
 unfathomably far apart further out

It is all so clear now:
 In order to keep on floating, I must stay lost
 and I must stay in a state of not-knowingness
That is pure freedom,
 unbound from existence
My only way back to source

From this virgin source of nothing
 I can follow any spoke leading to any dimension
Each dimension is another universe
Probably entirely unimaginable from our reality
As I engage thus
 I become un-lost in my new knowingness
Now I am bound again

I don't drift towards a new future
I am the new future 
 ...soon to become the newest past
 and be lost and clueless once more

 lost in nothing

Towards a new future