Winner genes

Most of the time stuff happens if you ask for it.

Perhaps you might not agree?

If we don’t say what we want, then, because we have never voiced a desire or blinked an eyelid and there was no mention of what we wanted, we don’t get what we want, — or didn’t want, if you know what I mean, — with the most assured and reliable guarantee aching towards tortured repetitiveness. We will get nothing we wanted in all its many facets. Getting what we didn’t want, because we never said we wanted it not (what we didn’t want) or having expressed what we wanted.

So we get zilch of what we really want (’cause how can it be known if we don’t vocalise it) and we get everything random else.


But, I have wanted badly, and have made it known.

Sometimes I wanted so passionately and intensely that I think I chased what I wanted away in fear, — with my ruthless burning wanting, and I was then left severely wanting and crushed.


But, when I did want in a more moderate matter of fact way, that what I wanted also approached me. Often telling me in some way or another that I should want stuff that is a bit closer to home. In a way saying that I can have a Porsche but at least the driveway should be fixed first so I don’t scrape it and parking should be available.

I know because it has happened with stuff. Not that I have a Porsche though, because, well, I wanted a girl and an aeroplane more. There seems to be a system of ranking priorities. Girl, aeroplane, Porsche … Some worldly logic would want to dictate the reverse: Aeroplane, Porsche, then girl, but it ain’t like that.

Never mind.


I have wanted to win the Lotto.

Bold and recurring, winning the Lotto has appeared on my ‘want list’ for decades.


It would make life a lot easier, a breeze in fact, and there are volumes of pleasures to be explored too.

I know this is drenched in hedonism and honesty, but so what, anything wrong with that?


Often I have gotten what I wanted, and, mysteriously, this included lots of shite too.

I thought I didn’t want shite, but it came along like the ‘B’ side of a 7″ single vinyl record.



I wanted to win the Lotto, ­— and — within a few attempts, I won the Lotto.

This is as true as this writing.

The big money Lotteries like Euromillions, and Ithuba. I won them all.


I am a multiple Lotto winner, and it tickles me that I am ‘one of those’.

It’s irrefutable and obvious proof that something I am doing works.

Jeez, what more proof does anyone want but a win in a Lottery?


Of course, I plead poverty, haha, with the look of a millionaire, — but I am such a dead giveaway.

I am plainly unsuccessful at looking poor. Yeah.

That is why I win the Lotto. One could say by extra-genetic energy application make-up or some such fantasy.


Sometimes-often I’d really rather be invisible though, but not permanently, more like on and off when it suits me. When I don’t win for instance after a loud and wild prediction proclaiming thus.


You know when you have won the Lotto, because, when you win, the Lottery makes sure you get to know about it. They’ll find you.

Big hoo-hah.

Are you so and so? Yes? Well, guess what?



I am a multiple winner and I can cross my heart to that.

I got what I wanted many times.

I have undisputable success.


I am a recurring winner that could hypothetically have a pattern figured out that works.

If I’d be playing at a casino they would have refused me access by now on the grounds of ‘consistent winning’ that is not in accordance with the charter of said establishment.


And because I have been verifiably successful in the past, — the past literally being ‘just now’s now,’ — why should I not be able to do the same again this immediate moment now or now-now?


This time I will also be pedantically specific.

Yes, I want to continue to win the Lotto and this time the Jackpot too.

With my own numbers.

Now! But at the latest, as soon as possible.

~ Chill&engage

ronlandless entrance1

Haiko is in Magenta

Prelude and epilogue is in Black


Think about it. --- Life is not about chilling.
You can slow life to a chill

If you want

Otherwise, engage action
Write, compose, create, talk, jump, do, enjoy, live
Pleasure it.

If you burn it, life returns it


*Picture: Pvt collection: 
 Ron Landless' entrance gate, Landless Corner, Zambia

Sport on

Beyond the path in sand

Beyond the sky

Beyond the universe

Beyond between

Beyond the future

and all that’s been

onwards to another land


With sweat and will

imagination and my quill

With all that I can give

and more than there ever was

I shall create my dream,

find bliss

and live a thousand years

far away from here and this


No more treading water all in vain

bombarded by the worldly pain

Held back by some force

that thinks I need to pause

when I know I should be moving

with the speed of thought

and live unbound

in a place where anger finds no food

and hate cannot take root

and love is all around

Where imagination is my feather

Never stuck again to brood

Like a waterfall to rush

and gush

and spray

and splash

and colour me in wet

to make the pages blush

and that

my life shall be


Words liberated emanate

creatively convene

from source to sea

and in a poetic move

inquisitively run

from cloud to tree

to drop on you

the wanderer


in my pool of thoughts


Born to live undyingly

I never think it couldn’t be

The word Sport embeds in me

Stuckness is just an antonym

of Living Free

Given no power

it will remain in theory


* Remembering Vo‘s dad and Vo‘s mom who were born this day in 1895 & 1896, — two centuries ago.

talking in lines

time that was

puffs of memory

maze of bewildered yesterdays

mistory, — misty, the color of yore

meaning beyond time

meaning as flavor, essence and wine


the touch of love

your look, my sun

rain in the morning

sweat on the sheets

stained is my heart

– but unfazed its beat


parched for life

defining the now

well-nigh a clone

human raindrop or sand grain

from laughter to reason

– a return ticket for life’s season

a packed of rays

instructions in smoke

stuck in the ancestral harbour

– with other anchored souls

imbibing with Nodding Lost & Co, not for rescue,

– but clueless suggestions where not to go


confirmation of mistakes

misses to missus and miss again

mindless blunders

lessons of regret

deliberate future

selective action

accomplished success

another mis(s)take

another miss

missing, — spot on

regardless, you’re born to be great


align your want with who you are

want not what you are not

come home to yourself

– and find your place taken

dream sans the ego

a collarless pet

yo-yo in freedom

your leash of fate is unlikely to snap


too strong coffee

cream on my thoughts

foam through my pen

sweet words to read

stretching my reach

life in a pill

condensed imagining

add tears and soul

OD daily

try not to die and grow


dilute your ideas and you’ll miss them

deny them not and they could manifest

between forgetting and trying is life

live for no thing but you

another line Snow White?

another dream with you

go not for long

life could end tonight